Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wiggin' Out

"So..." She began with a look of genuine care across her face, "how are you doing with all the changes coming up in your life?" I hadn't been asked that question yet. I'd been asked "where will you live?" "what will you do?" "how are the plans?" but not "how are you doing?" and the answer is pretty simple. "I'm FREAKED!" Yes i am SO stoked to be married! Yes, I can not wait to begin a life with Jake. But in all honesty. I'm wiggin' out on the inside. In four months EVERYTHING changes. My home, my roommate, my job, my family (the part where i gain a new one) my church, my city, even my grocery shopping. Nothing will be the same. I will go from Abigail Thomson, San Diego barista living with 3 friends from college attending Kaleo church and dating the SDCC chaplain to Abigail Ruth Wilhelm. And with the new name will come new everything else.

That is the intro of a blog I intended to write on how Christ is interceding for my life before the Father. And maybe I'll get to that blog eventually. But suddenly I realized that those last few lines sound like the beginning of an identity crisis. And they are, aren't they? It's only a matter of time and I will no longer be Abigail Thomson San Diego anything. So, if that is what my identity is in I'm in trouble. Desperate, tragic trouble. And i should be wiggin' out that is the only reasonable thing to do. HOWEVER, i want more than that. I want to stand firm, not feel shaken. And I can, Because my true identity is in the one who bought me with His blood. It is as a daughter of the Most High God. I pray He reminds me daily of that for my good and His glory.

Now... Would you do something for me? Would you comment on this post with verses that remind you of you of your identity in Christ? It would be a HUGE encouragement to me. Thank you for sharing!